Mujeres en Ciberseguridad: Perspectiva desde el ámbito laboral costarricense


Karina Rivera
Ariella Quesada
Enviado: Sep 1, 2019
Publicado: Mar 13, 2020


This paper analyzes women's participation as part of the workforce in the area of cybersecurity and the existing gender gap in that field. Through interviews with professionals and associates in the area in Costa Rica, information about the current situation of professionals in cybersecurity was gathered. The interviewees point out that they came to work in positions associated with cybersecurity without previous training, and it was the development of experiences that motivated the insertion in this area. Likewise, it is suggested that there should be greater orientation and motivation, which eliminate stereotypes that mark this type of work so that women can perform in this field.

Palabras clave

Cybersecurity, woman, Costa Rica, woman gap


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Cómo citar
Rivera, K., & Quesada, A. (2020). Mujeres en Ciberseguridad: Perspectiva desde el ámbito laboral costarricense. Memorias De Congresos UTP, 95-100. Recuperado a partir de