Design of a gripping movement control system for a robotic hand prosthesis


Rutty Cedeño Arana
Lisbeth Mena
Héctor Montes
Ricardo Cajo
Enviado: Nov 30, 2018
Publicado: Sep 30, 2018


In this paper, a description of a control system for basic grip movements for a low-cost hand prosthesis is presented. The idea is to provide movements to those people who do not have fingers due to congenital malformations, considering that the movements of their wrists are complete. The wrist movements are acquired by means of the Myo bracelet, which has wireless communication. The Myo bracelet has eight myoelectric sensors and an IMU, i.e., non-invasive sensors that are positioned around the forearm. The gestures read by means of the Myo bracelet are processed by the control system to send the commands to the small electric actuators installed in the prototype hand prosthesis.

Palabras clave

Robotic hand prosthesis, gripping movements, control system, non-invasive sensors, Myo bracelet


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Cómo citar
Cedeño Arana, R., Mena, L., Montes, H., & Cajo, R. (2018). Design of a gripping movement control system for a robotic hand prosthesis. Memorias De Congresos UTP, 1(1), 413-419. Recuperado a partir de