The Educational Journal of Works Aimed at the XXI century (XXI CHALLENGES) is intended to be the national scientific journal in the Panamanian educational field, although it has a strong affluence and influence in foreign contexts, being its editorial and scientific configuration a true reflection. Its institutional patronage is guaranteed by the UTP (Technological University of Panama) and the IPHE (Panamanian Institute for the Disabled) as well as by its scientific coverage of Research Groups GICD (Research in Educative Communication, Spain). Due to this, its structure and patronage takes into account the university and the investigative inclusion as a compilation of knowledge and the institutional and real inclusion of the educational praxis, as its own origin and destination.

Challenges XXI is sensible to all the contents which have any kind of affinity to the thematic of the Special Education, the Inclusive Education, the School for Everybody and, so, the Attention to the Special Educative Needs and the Diversity, as well as those thematic contributions which set challenges to the current School of the new century (as the title states) to improve the quality of teaching and learning.  All this formatted in articles which meet the previous thematic requirements and become totally original, in the format and scientific contribution for the knowledge area in which it is inscribed.  All of this has an international framework which is equally configurated in all the committees of the CHALLENGES XXI  journal.

Foreign asociated journals of Psychopedagogy

Politics and documents of Publication

  1. Instructive for authors and reception norms
  2. Focus and reach of the Journal
  3. Editorial politics of the Journal
  4. Model for the presentation of manuscripts to CHALLENGES XXI 


Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Revista RETOS XXI - Discapacidad y Educación

La Pedagogía, como cualquier disciplina científica, precisa una terminología propia pertinente. Empero, la lluvia terminológica de antaño requiere de un paraguas disciplinar y su filtro legislativo. Ellos han de actuar de protectores solo permeables al paso selecto de la nomenclatura educativa, atendiendo a su semántica y pragmáticas idóneas. Es más, ha de afanarse en elaborar una terminología correcta, como se ha venido haciendo en los últimos años.

Published: 2020-07-07

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