Design and construction of a low-cost prototype for polymer tensile testing

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Virna Montenegro
Aristides Gil
Jesús Campos
Jorge Frago
Nacarí Marín
Sent: Dec 5, 2022
Published: Jan 30, 2024


During the study and development of new materials, different tests and trials are carried out to determine their particular properties and characteristics. In the case of polymeric materials, one of the most important tests is the tensile test, since these tests determine the breaking strength and the behavior of the material when it is subjected to external forces. This research, it has been focused on the design and prototype of a device in which tension tests can be performed on specimens of a new material under study, specifically bioplastics. To test the prototype in its initial phase, propylene (Ziploc) and corn starch-based biopolymeric material specimens were used. The load supported by the specimen is recorded with a strain gauge and the elongation is measured with a Vernier. From this study in its initial phase, it was possible to obtain a functional prototype to perform the tensile tests and to define the methodology of use to perform each test.


Bioplastic, deformation, device, elongation, tensile test, strain gauge, microcontroller, biopolymer


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How to Cite
Montenegro, V., Gil, A., Campos, J., Frago, J., & Marín, N. (2024). Design and construction of a low-cost prototype for polymer tensile testing. Revista De Iniciación Científica, 10(1), 10 - 15.