The Journal Technological  R & D (RIDTEC) (P-ISSN 1680-8894 & E-ISSN 2219-6714) is a journal of international scientific dissemination (double‐blind peer‐review) with a biannual publication of the Technological University of Panama (UTP), specialized in the areas of basic sciences and engineering and other areas of knowledge. The RIDTEC is an open access; therefore, we extend a cordial invitation to all authors interested in publishing scientific articles on the progress and results of their research projects.

As of 2018, the publications of the RIDTEC will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Submit your Manuscript

1. Guide-for-authors (.docx, 60KB)

2. Platform for Receiving Articles


Publication ethics statement

1. Topics Journal 

2. Objectives, Scope, Mission and Topics (PDF, 86KB)

3. Editorial Policy of the Technological R & D Journal (PDF, 129KB)

4. Publication ethics statement (PDF, 173KB)


Call for Papers

• First Call for Papers: january 3rd to february 28th 2025

• Second Call for Papers: july 1st to august 31th 2025


Vol 21 No 1 (2025): Technological R&D Journal

The Technological University of Panama (UTP) presents to the scientific community and the general public, the second edition of the year 2024, of the Journal of Technological R&D (RIDTEC), volume 20, Number 2. With the purpose of disseminating the scientific research work at the UTP, RIDTEC was born in 2002, as an open journal (OA) evaluated by Double Blind peers, with biannual publication. In 2017, with Volume 13, no. 2, its publication in digital format begins.

RIDTEC is the main Panamanian journal for the publication of research papers in the areas of engineering and technology, supporting national and international teachers and researchers in the publication of their works.


Published: 2025-02-15

Analysis of the influence of vegetation cover on slope sediment production

Patricia Castillo, Josué Castrellón, Cristhian Caballer, Stephania Rodríguez (Author)

Determination of the driving cycle for motorcycles in the city of Esmeraldas

Freddy Colcha-Guashpa, Roberto Calva-Montoya, Víctor Bravo-Morocho (Author)
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