Technological Prism (P-ISSN 2076-8133 and E-ISSN L 2312-637X). Its publication in digital format begins with volume-8, 2017. It is an annual publication of the Technological University of Panama (UTP) that is carried out through the University Editorial Department, under the Editorial Tecnológica seal. It is an open journal indexed to LATINDEX, which offers articles with multidisciplinary technological and scientific content, whose objective is to disseminate technical-scientific knowledge, communicate engineering and basic and exact sciences, and present social issues from a technical-scientific perspective, to professionals. and students from various areas of engineering.
The receipt of articles for evaluation and probable publication is continuous in the Technological Prism Magazine throughout the period.
When publishing the volume, the Revista Prisma Tecnológico allows the publication of errata and, on the other hand, is responsible for the retraction of articles.
As of 2018, the publications of Prisma Tecnológico journals will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Instructivo para los Autores (.PDF, 350KB)
Políticas de Publicación y Ética (.PDF, 252KB)
Políticas de Acceso Abierto (OA)
Políticas de ética y buenas prácticas editoriales
Current Issue
Vol 16 No 1 (2025): Revista Prisma Tecnológico
The year 2025 presents new challenges in the field of science, technology and engineering. In this sense, artificial intelligence can positively contribute to the reduction of monotonous and dense work to allow professionals to concentrate on more complex, demanding and creative tasks that require higher cognitive skills. This makes it necessary to promote new lines of research that seek to clarify the real impact of AI in higher education. Among the benefits that AI can bring to higher education are personalized student learning, automated and online evaluation and feedback, and adaptive tutoring for each type of student, among other aspects. However, all this requires higher education institutions to develop strategies to ensure academic integrity, manage personal data and its privacy, and prevent bias in algorithms and their interpretations. AI has the potential to transform higher teaching and learning, streamline and optimize the internal operations of universities, and contribute to the strengthening and extension of research in higher education institutions.
Published: 2025-02-28